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Writer's pictureRalph Branch


Nottoway High School, Senior, Domanick "Dom" Pettis will take his academic and athletic talents to Bridgewater College in the Fall of 2022.

Domanick found love in football when he realized the amount of freedom it provided his mind to experience when dominating his opponents, but it was not always easy; HARD WORK, REJECTION, and a NEVER GIVE UP ATTITUDE are all to present in this young mans life!

Dom decided to commit to Bridgewater College based on several factors, not just football. Dom plans to explore the field of exercise science/kinesiology when he arrives on campus and fell in love with the vibrant social setting of Bridgewater College, as too he is from a smaller "family-style" community. The final was selling point to his commitment was the coaching staff that welcomed him with open arms and smiles. Much like his high school coaching staff, they wanted him to be successful in life no matter his desired outcome... the rest is history!

Dom is motivated to create change in his life and the lives of others by being a better human being on a daily basis. Using his mother as a focal point, she provided him with everything he needed to be successful. Dom stated, "although she [his mother] is hard on us at times, she would give her last to a stranger and even more to her children... she is literally the STRONGEST person I know". With that type of support and backbone, we see why Dom is the young man he is today; Dom stated he is "blessed" to have her.

As Dom moves forward in life he would like to continue to support his family, community, and friends by being a role-model and mental health advocate. Dom stated he goes through his up's and downs, however, no battle is too big! Dom wants people to understand the importance of speaking to loved ones and trusted friends about life-events, challenges, and hard-times. He wants people to know they are not alone; well Dom I want you to know you are never alone either. I support you, NO LABEL supports you, and your C-SQUAD supports you!

Much love, many blessings


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